Friday, March 29, 2013

Grocery Shopping Stress

Grocery shopping is not fun for me. If I have to go grocery shopping I prefer to go early in the morning or late at night. The reason why, there are less people during these times and I don't feel rushed.

As you guys may know grandmother Pearl is staying for a couple of weeks at my house so I thought it would be fun to go grocery shopping with her as I usually go alone. I always ask Diana what our budget is so I am aware of what to get; it keeps me organize. I quickly made a list of the essentials we needed and discussed to Pearl what our budget was.

Once we get to the store, Pearl is getting things that are neither on the list nor essentials. She said she needed to grab this because she was craving it the other day, had to get this because her grandson Drew might like them, had to take these because there are her daughter Diana's favorite etc. Bottom line I was freaking out because we were not staying on budget. And as I guessed it we indeed went over our budget but for Pearl and Diana it wasn't a big deal.

Why give me a budget if it doesn't make a difference?

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