Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Lunch Gone Wrong

This past Friday I picked up Drew from school. I was busy that whole day and didn't have the chance to make him lunch. Diana suggested we should get take-out. The closest fast food restaurant by our house is Jack in the Box, so I immediately thought of getting something from there.

Drew asked me to bring him his usual which include: a cheeseburger plain (just the meat. cheese, and bun), fries, and strawberry milk shake. A minute later Diana calls me from work and asks what we decided to get, and the second she heard Jack in the Box she says "No get something healthier like Subway but don't get the meal because Drew gets the Hot-Cheetos and those aren't good for him." I was fine getting Subway but I knew Drew was not going to be happy.

Once I got home Drew asked where his strawberry milk shake was; like I predicted he wasn't so happy.

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