Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Why Are Guys Picky

My step-brother Drew is turning 13-years-old soon and he is now starting to get picky on who cuts his hair. He has a hair lady he likes to go to all  the time and will only go to her. If she is not working on the day we go, he will not cut his hair. If there is a long line, he will wait.

I do not understand the big deal so I asked my good friend Andy who is 23-years-old why guys are like this. He said the longest time he has waited for his barber has been one hour to one hour and a half. If the waiting time exceeds that, he will come back another day. No one else but his barber will cut his hair because he feels like not everyone knows how to do it right. He has been going to the same barber for the past four years.

Eating Out Of A Trash Bag


Recently my family bought a new car. It is a 2013 white Chevy Travers. A great family car I would say; it has a lot of room and it is very comfortable.

Diana's number one rule is to not eat in the car. Just this Sunday before church, Diana pulls into a Jack in the Box to get us all breakfast. I was confused because we are not allowed to eat in the car. Before I know it, Diana brings out a bundle of grocery bags and tells Drew and me that we will be eating our breakfast over these bags.

Is this hilarious or what?

Delicates Only

Jackets, coats, and dresses are typically the clothing items I take to the cleaners. Diana and Drew on the other hand take everything!

Last week Diana asked me to drop off her clothes at the dry cleaners after school. The bag she gave me probably weigh around 20 pounds. There was so much clothes I could not believe it. Most of it was her work clothes but then I see Drew's T-shirts. Who gets random t-shirts dry cleaned?

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Lunch Gone Wrong

This past Friday I picked up Drew from school. I was busy that whole day and didn't have the chance to make him lunch. Diana suggested we should get take-out. The closest fast food restaurant by our house is Jack in the Box, so I immediately thought of getting something from there.

Drew asked me to bring him his usual which include: a cheeseburger plain (just the meat. cheese, and bun), fries, and strawberry milk shake. A minute later Diana calls me from work and asks what we decided to get, and the second she heard Jack in the Box she says "No get something healthier like Subway but don't get the meal because Drew gets the Hot-Cheetos and those aren't good for him." I was fine getting Subway but I knew Drew was not going to be happy.

Once I got home Drew asked where his strawberry milk shake was; like I predicted he wasn't so happy.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Drew and His Shoes

Some of my obsessions are food, the ABC show Pretty Little Liars, and theater plays but once again Drew is on another level. Recently I have realized that Drew sometimes spends more time cleaning his shoes than doing his homework. Now don't get me wrong he has good grades, but I find it interesting how much time this 12-year-old spends cleaning his shoes. He cleans his shoes everyday and uses over ten moist wipes. We have to constantly go to Target and get more because he does this so frequently; we now buy the super pack to avoid going every week. Teenagers now a days.

Cleaning Team Work

They say the meaning behind the word TEAM is Together Everyone Achieves More.

This past week was a hectic week because Diana had a lot of work at her job and it was midterm week for me. In simplier words, we were both too busy to clean around the house and the dishes were pilling up. Finally this weekened we both teamed up and cleaned the house. She washed the dishes as I dryed them and put them away. What I like about our little team work routine is that we chat as we are cleaning so time goes by faster.

Drew and His Backpack

To me something fragile would be flowers, a baby, or glass. Drew is on another level. Lately he has been driving me crazy with these new ideas he has come up with.

Every now and then I pick Drew up from school and when he gets in my car her carefully slides his backpack in. Then he carefully sets it on the seat next to him making sure it is facing forward and nothing is around it. If I drive over a bump or don't make a smooth stop and the backpack falls down he gets upset. Who gets upset by this!? I would understand if he was carrying something fragile inside the backpack but he isn't; I've asked. I don't know what the big deal is, it's just a backpack, a plain black Jansport backpack. Teenagers these days.

Gel Manicure Fun

What in the world is a gel manicure? According to wisegeek.com, a gel manicure is a type of nail treatment in which a nail technician uses gel to bind synthetic fingernails to natural ones and color them. The gel can also be applied over natural nails like regular polish; they are long lasting and do not chip.

This weekend Diana and I went to our nail place to get our nails and eye brows done. We both got a gel manicure, I picked a nude color and Diana picked a baby pink color. We like getting gel manicures because the nail polish does not chip and it makes your nails thicker so they do not break and they just look prettier.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Drew's New Love

For the past year Drew has been into basketball. He plays it at the house, he buys basketball jerseys and doesn't wear them, he watches every Laker game, you get the picture. But recently he has had this weird crave with Gatorade products. Before he goes outside to play basketball with my father he has to have these specific items. Teenagers these days!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Breakfast With Pearl

This morning the family woke up early to go to church. I am not really a morning person but I was up. After mass was over the family went to a local Mexican Restaurant. Grandmother Pearl ordered a menudo. A great Mexican soup; perfect for today's weather - it seemed like it wanted to rain.

New Phones for the Parentals

Ever since last Christmas my father has been wanting a Galaxy phone and Diana has been wanting an iPhone but sadly they were on a two-year contract and I guess it's more convenient to get a new phone once your contract is over so they have just been working with what they have. Lately both phones have been acting up and Diana just got tired of it so they decided to get new phones! Conrad is so happy he finally has his Galaxy SIII and Diana is very impressed with her iPhone 5 camera.

What kind of phone do you have?

Movie Night

There are a lot of great movies out this month. Diana, Drew, and I recently saw The Croods starring Emma Stone and Ryan Reynolds. According to the IMDb website, "After their cave is destroyed, a caveman family must trek through an unfamiliar fantastical world with the help of an inventive boy." It is very funny and a great movie to see with the whole family.

Dinner for Dad

Conrad is always on the road working so on the few days he is home I like to make my father food. Diana knows how to cook a few dishes but prefers I do the cooking anyway. My favorite dish to make are Enchiladas. For those that have never heard of Enchiladas let me try my best to describe this delicious meal. It is a rolled up tortilla typically stuffed with either cheese or meat or chicken. I stuff half of them with mashed potatoes and the other half with cheese and finely chopped onion. They are served with lettuce, sour cream, and cheese on top. Everyone has their own way to make them but this is what i like on mind. They are fairly easy to make and super delicious. A great meal to enjoy with family and friends; Diana helped me stuff them making the process go faster and more fun as we chatted. 

Chinese Buffet

Recently Diana, Drew, and I went to our local car wash and discovered a Chinese Restaurant close by. We were pretty hungry so we decided to eat there.

Drew doesn't really like Chinese Food but luckily they served pizza and french fries as well! I was surprised by the number of different types of food they offered. I got my usual; chow mein, broccoli beef, and spring rolls. As we ate, Diana and I talked about school and graduation. Did I mention I'm graduating from college next month! I'm pretty excited!

Overall it was a great experience and a fun chat paired with yummy food.


Saturday, April 13, 2013

Where is the Old Drew?

Normally every Friday I pick Drew up from school since I don't have class. I usually make him something to eat at home but I was really busy this past Friday and didn't have the chance to make anything so I got him something from our local El Pollo Loco. He always orders two large side orders of mac 'n' cheese and mashed potatoes. I wouldn't call that a meal but that's what he likes. Once I arrived home Drew asked me if I wanted some of his food. Now this is very shocking, Drew has never offered me some of his food before so I didn't know how to react. I simply said, "No I'm OK, Thank You." Once Diana got home I told her Drew had offered me some of his food and she said that was shocking for her as well.

What is going on with this teenager?

Sunday Breakfast

Last Sunday the family met up at church and went to breakfast after. We all decided to go somewhere new. We came across this Mexican Restaurant that was fairly close to our house. We ordered this baked cheese appetizer that was amazingly good as well as these well known Mexican dishes; sopes and menudo!

Cooking With Pearl

As most of you know, Pearl is Diana's mother. Pearl loves to cook as do I, so this past weekend I helped her cook a delicious Mexican dish. We made Chiles Rellenos! For those that are not aware of this dish, Chiles Rellenos are poblano peppers that we toast and then remove the skin. This process makes them soft and tender making it easier to cook. We then remove all the seeds from inside the pepper and stuff it with fresh cheese. Later the pepper is coated with a thin layer of flour and then a thick layer of egg we had previously whipped making it super fluffy. After you fry your stuffed poblano pepper evenly on both sides, you are ready to eat! It sounds like a lot of work but it is really fun, easy and delicious.

Car Ride With Drew

This week I had to pick up Drew from school. Normally when I pick him up, we don't talk much on the car ride home. But something changed this day.

I was listening to "Northern Lights" by Cider Sky. A very up beat song, and all of the sudden Drew tells me that he can play the piano portion of that song. He says this semester he is taking a piano class and really enjoys it.